
Diseases & Conditions


About ACL Injuries

膝盖受伤是常见的亚g active kids, especially athletes, and a torn anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) — a ligament that helps give the knee its stability — is one of the most common types of knee injuries.

Kids who play contact sports (like football and basketball) or so-called “cutting” sports (like soccer and baseball that feature swift, abrupt movements such as pivoting, stopping, or turning on a dime) are most likely to get ACL injuries.


Teenage girls are 8 to 10 times more likely than boys to tear an ACL. That’s because girls have different risk factors that make ACL injuries more likely, such as body shape, limb alignment, neuromuscular control, and hormones that might loosen the ligament.








Most will have some instability when walking, feeling “wobbly” or unable to bear weight on the affected leg. Oftentimes there is pain, which can be very intense, and swelling of the knee joint, which can happen within 24 hours of the tear.

许多孩子们报告了听到“流行”声音 - 韧带撕裂的声音。其他人还报告膝盖感觉比之前的“不太紧张”或更少紧凑。

torn ACL illustration

一个受伤膝盖的孩子 - 无论是在现场还是在家里 - 应该停止所有活动(防止进一步伤害)并寻求立即医疗。与此同时,保持面积刚好 - 将冰放在塑料袋中,将袋子包裹在布料中,并一次将其握住膝盖最多20分钟。而且,保持膝盖尽可能地升高以减少肿胀。不要让你的孩子在膝盖上重量。




  • Lachman test.在此考试期间,一个孩子将在他或她的背上躺下,受影响的膝盖抬起并以20到30度角弯曲。然后,医生将一只手放在小腿上,另一只手在大腿顶部,施加压力向前移动胫骨。如果它移动太远,它可以发出撕裂的ACL。
  • 前抽屉测试。During this test, the hip is flexed at 45 degrees and the knee at 90 degrees. The examiner grasps the back of the shin, just below the knee, placing index fingers on hamstring tendons and thumbs on the side of the kneecaps to feel any shift of the knee joint and surrounding areas while attempting to pull the tibia forward.

To properly diagnose ACL injuries, doctors usually perform these tests in combination with or in addition to other physical exams.

虽然可能采取X射线来确定损伤的程度,但它们只能通过图像骨骼进行成像,因此只能确认膝盖中的骨骨折存在。一个MRI, which images tissue (like ligaments and muscles), can confirm a partial or complete ACL tear so some doctors will order one to confirm a diagnosis.



When a child stops growing, the growth plate hardens (ossifies) along with the rest of the bone. Girls tend to stop growing earlier than boys; their growth plates usually close around ages 14 to 15, while boys’ growth plates close later, at around ages 16 to 17.

If a child has reached skeletal maturity, the surgeon will drill a small tunnel down through the femur to reach the inside of the knee joint. Surgeons replace the torn ACL with tissue from the patient’s own body (usually bone from the kneecap and shinbone with tendon in between) or with donor tissue (called an allograft) from the Achilles tendon in the foot. The new ACL tissue is fed through the tibia and femur tunnels and is secured in the proper area with screws or other fixtures.


After surgery, a child will need to walk with the assistance of crutches, limit physical activity, and wear a full-leg brace for 4 to 6 weeks, depending on what the surgeon advises.

Rehab and Recovery

Recovery from ACL surgery is a lengthy process that can take from 6 months to a year. Rehabilitation (“rehab”) therapy is needed to help heal the knee and to:

  • restore range of motion
  • 恢复膝盖,大腿和胫骨的力量(并预防萎缩,肌肉组织的崩溃)
  • reduce pain and swelling
  • 改善平衡

Most kids undergo rehab at a center three times a week, with daily exercises they practice at home. Accelerated rehab programs require more frequent therapy and speed up recovery to 4 to 6 months.


While most sports are off limits — especially the activity that caused the injury in the first place — kids can do some low-impact activities that may be fun and even therapeutic, like swimming, bike riding, or protected running. Talk to your doctor about what activities might benefit your child.


被告知你不能做你喜欢的东西 - 就像跑步或踢足球,野生曲棍球或垒球 - 对任何孩子来说都是一个毁灭性的打击。来自ACL伤害恢复的孩子可能会感到生气,沮丧,甚至沮丧,特别是如果他们不再与他们的朋友一起参加团队运动。

But in the meantime, there are ways to still feel like part of the team. Keeping score, being a coach’s assistant, or bringing water to the games may help. If your child doesn’t want to do these, suggest starting a hobby, like playing the guitar, painting, drawing, or another activity that won’t put too much strain on the knee. Low-impact activities, like swimming, are another option.


审查:Alfred Atanda, Jr, MD
Date reviewed: October 2012